
I am so excited to share with you my interview with Mila from Loveology. I’ve always loved her blog. Her writing style, choice of pictures and taste are so beautiful. Thanks, Mila, for letting us into your world for a few minutes. I think you’re going to love reading her answers. Enjoy! xo


Mila: I often begin my posts with a picture I am in love with at this moment, so I thought it would be nice to do the same here. Picture from Thumbelina’s Flickr

White Blank Page: When did you start Loveology and why?

Mila: I started Loveology back in the end of 2007. I actually wanted to start a blog for quite some time then, but I always thought: there are so many amazing blogs out there, what can I offer that’s not already there? On a cold and rainy day, I had nothing to do and then I decided that I would just start the blog and see what it would become. In the beginning I never ever expected Loveology to become a blog with so many readers and comments. It’s absolutely amazing and I am more than grateful for that!

WBP: I absolutely love the name! Where did it come from?

Mila: Thank you so much! I wanted a short name and a name one could remember easily. At that time I was slightly addicted to all the music of Regina Spektor and one of my favorite songs was ‘Loveology’. I thought that would be a great name for my blog, as it would be about all the things I LOVE!

reginaPicture of Regina from

WBP: You’ve recently written on your blog that you are graduating. Where are you studying and what are you majoring in?

Mila: That’s right! I am now in my last year of Social Studies at The Hague University in The Netherlands. To be honest, this is not what I really wanted to study, nor have I ever really liked it, but I had to finish something, so I decided to finish it after all. However, I don’t think I will be working in social ‘areas’, because I think it won’t be that much of a challenge for me. To earn some money I currently work in a children’s daycare, when I have the time. I do really like working with small children (not older than 4 please!) but I don’t see myself doing this job for a long time.

WBP: Do you know what you’d like to do after?

Mila: I don’t think this will surprise you, but my ‘dream job’ would definitely be something with decoration, clothing, photographing and creating….. I’d love to work for a great magazine, but I am not really sure what I want to do at this point in my life. Also, I think it would be great to do different things. I get bored quite easily, so having two (or even more) different jobs would be great for me! And working part-time outside my house and part-time from my house would be great also. The magazine I’d LOVE to work for is Lula. But….who doesn’t?


Some Lula photographs I absolutely love…So inspiring


Oooh I just found out the latest issue of Lula (#8, S/S 09) is out now!


WBP: I see that like me, you really love décor, what’s your favorite room in a house?

Mila: Oh yes, I do! It’s something that makes me so happy! I inherited this from my mom, who’s also very much into decoration, so I started to love it at a very early age. I couldn’t stop changing and decorating my room when I was a kid! But this question is a very difficult one! I am afraid I can’t make a decision between different rooms. Every room has it’s own charm and it’s own function, of course. First I wanted to say bedroom, but I don’t know why exactly. Maybe because I am in love with bed linen, especially in whites and with laces and embroidery and beautiful pillows…..However, the living room is also very important. It’s the room you spend the most of your time (when you’re not asleep…) so to me it’s very important to surround myself with beautiful things, things that make me happy, things that have memories attached and old things that have a ‘life’.

Bedrooms I love..


Living rooms I LOVE


Ooh, I am having such a hard time not attaching more and more pictures. There’s just so much beauty in this world. I know this sounds sentimental, but this time I just don’t care!

WBP: If you could design your dream house, what would the inside look like?

Mila: You don’t know how happy you’ve made me with this question! Picture time! As I already told you, I have been into decorating since I was very young. I’ve always liked more than just one style, but back in the day I sometimes changed very radically from lots of white and sweetness to all dark, black, candles and gothic. These days I feel like I am more and more finding out my ‘own’ style and what I feel comfortable in. As I said, I love to surround myself with beautiful things and sometimes I have to be careful not to go to too many thrift shops, because I often come home with more things that I all want to put in my pretty small apartment. Some words that describe the style I love: whites, pastels, flowers, vases, collages on my wall, vintage teacups, old tins, books and all sorts of sweet, little things I find in thrift shops.To give you an idea of what my place looks like, I thought it would be nice to show you some of my stuff.


Now it’s time for some photographs I find very inspiring….


WBP: Do you prefer tea or coffee? Pink or green? Roses or daisies?

Mila: I like both tea and coffee! Every morning I start with a ‘café au latte’ and I drink tea in the afternoon or in the evening.

cupsI like both pink and green. Mostly soft shades of both…..minty green and soft pink are two of my favorite colors actually. I think they make a great combination too!

I don’t really like roses, well, not the ‘regular’ ones. I love daisies more. I also love peonies, orchids and much more flowers…


WBP: What’s your favorite poem or quote?

Mila: Another difficult one! I am such a sucker at choosing between things….I think I’ll have to go with the gorgeous poem by Emily Dickinson, beautifully read aloud by Meryl Streep in the heartbreaking, but amazingly beautiful movie ‘Sophie’s Choice’.


WBP: What’s your favorite thing to do on a lazy Sunday?

Mila: Hmm…..first lay in bed for a long time….I don’t have to sleep, I also love to read magazines in bed and cuddle with my two cats. But when it’s great weather (not very often in The Netherlands) I want to wake up early, open the door to my garden and sit in the sunshine immediately! Then I make myself a nice coffee, some breakfast and lay in my garden on the grass with some cushions, magazines or a good book. When the weather is not so good, I wake up later, then also have a coffee and a good breakfast (probably yogurt and some fresh fruit) and then I get behind my computer and start reading my email, make a post for my blog, visit other blogs….I always visit my parents on Sunday’s. I like to go early in the afternoon, so my mother and I have some time to get a little creative and make some nice things, such as a pillowcase, a dress or something else. Then we always have great dinner (my stepfather is an amazing cook!). Important on a Sunday to me is….being lazy and not feeling guilty about it!

WBP: What is the most beautiful thing you can think of? (a moment, a feeling, a look, an object etc.)

Mila: Of course, it’s the biggest cliché ever, but I have to say LOVE. No matter how happy things can make me, nothing makes you feel as warm and special as love does. Doesn’t it? I mean not only love between two lovers, also the love I feel for my little nephew Isai, the love between me and my mother, between my sister and me and the love I feel when I see my sweet grandparents still loving each other so much. Oh and the love for my two cats. They are very important to me, I can’t live without them…